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Our Universally Designed ACRE (Assessment of Child/Youth Religious Education) test activities were created with multiple intelligences in mind and frequently align to the 5 E’s. These activity packs prepare students for the yearly assessment from the National Catholic Education Association. In addition, with all of the activities originating in Google, they allow for easy Google Classroom integration. Just Open, Make a Copy, and Assign! They make for rich experiences in a blended learning environment that can be easily accessed.

However, if you are not using Google Classroom, do not be discouraged! Each activity has been formatted for easy PDF download and print, just like our other assignments. Simply, click File and Download as PDF.

The following example is from our Level 2 series:

Students will:

  • Engage – Watch a video skit about God’s grace.
  • Explore – Hear from the Pope about grace, read bible verses, and play games recognizing the Ten Commandments.
  • Explain – Hear from a nun about the importance of prayer and watch videos explaining conscience, the Ten Commandments, and how sins ruin our relationship with God.
  • Elaborate – Answer several quick comprehension checks and separate the Ten Commandments into two categories.
  • Evaluate – Complete a project connecting the concepts of grace, prayer, conscience, the Ten Commandments, and sin.

Ability Level: 6-8

ACRE Grade Level: 8

Link to ACRE Level 2: Achieving a Well-Formed Conscience HyperDoc


Pro tip: In order to Assign using Google Classroom (GC), access the File menu and Make a Copy of the document to your Drive.  For those not using GC, click the Download option for a PDF.

Click picture for a video on how to assign using Google Classroom.